AUDREY WICK  | Producer

Audrey is originally from Zurich, Switzerland. She recently completed her MFA in Film at Stony Brook University. As a creative producer, her mission is to help other filmmakers bring their vision to life. She loves a good indie film and 90’s romcoms.

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LEON HINATA | Director – Writer

“東京生まれ育ち.” Tokyo born and raised. Leon Hinata is a NYC based writer and director from Tokyo, Japan, calling Brooklyn his home for the last ten years. He has directed several short films as well as music videos for record labels over the past couple of years, and is currently directing Sony Music Entertainment Japan’s first independent feature documentary.

JOSH DIXON | Post Production Manager – Editor

Born in New York City and raised in Tokyo, Japan, Josh returned to New York to pursue a filmmaking career. With experience editing music videos and short films, as well as post coordinating in broadcast television in New York City, Josh brings to his work a wide range of post production workflow experience from indie to TV. This Summer he will be editing a feature documentary for Sony Music Entertainment Japan’s first independent film endeavor.

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MAXWELL OWEN BROWN | Producer – Writer

Maxwell is a writer, director, and producer based in Brooklyn. Originally from Chicago, Maxwell moved to the Twin Cities to pursue a Bachelors in Creative Writing and English before migrating to New York, where he is completing a Masters in Fine Art in filmmaking from Stony Brook University. He is a lover of sharply-written humor, unique blends of genre, and creative uses of the camera. With inspiration from Edgar Wright, the Coen Brothers, Greta Gerwig, and more, Maxwell hopes to write and direct original features. In his free time, he hosts a podcast about soccer, watches basketball until his eyes bleed, and cooks the shit out of slabs of meat.

HERNANDEZ MAGO | Director – Cinematographer

Brooklyn-based Venezuelan Filmmaker. With years of experience in video production and a degree in rhetoric under his belt, Hernandez Mago decided to follow his true passion: filmmaking. He embraces upsetting conventions, creating aesthetically striking visual poems, and offering tales about immigrants and the Latino experience.

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